Other Cats, Trouble

Fleeting Victory

Hey, lady.

Today was a BIG day for me.  I finally got Orville in a trap he couldn’t get out of.  Since the day you brought him home, I’ve chased him into some pretty good, tight spots–under the furniture, behind the TV stand, behind the washing machine–but he’s always been lucky enough to have an easy way out.  Today wasn’t so lucky for him, though:

How do you like me meow?
How do you like me meow?

No sooner had I begun celebrating my victory than you and the man swooped in and “rescued” the little twerp.  Does it feel good to ruin your favorite cat’s proudest moment?  I am your favorite, right?  I mean, I’d have to be.  I am so disappointed.  Now I’ll have to start all over in my quest to imprison Orville, which is unfortunate because I was really looking forward to a lazy evening.

